Cultural Transformation

Can putting the power into people’s hands get results?

Edwards needed a change. A new culture that reflected who they were, and who they wanted to be.
After changing their business structure, getting rid of top-down, hierarchical decision-making, Edwards wanted to put the power in the hands of their 4,200 employees around the world.
This was a huge change – one that needed a culture where people felt valued, motivated and empowered to make decisions themselves.
We started by getting to know exactly what this would mean for people, developing a framework that would guide and help everyone understand what was expected of them.
Our research told us our creative had to be bold, brave but above all, different.

Challenge accepted.

Our testing showed that our daring approach and straight-talking tone resonated, catching people’s attention and making them sit up. With the rally cry – ‘People Like Us’ making the communication feel relevant, inclusive and personal.
And when it came to launch, just like Edwards’ new structure, we put the power in peoples’ hands, training a passionate ambassador network of 70 colleagues to spread the word.
Alongside this, we developed a range of activations, giving people the opportunity to reflect on how they can create and lead their new culture; the knowledge and confidence to challenge inappropriate behaviours; and to have better conversations about behaviour.
People Like Us became the spark to drive change, and the business forward, creating a culture that empowered everyone to make decisions.

“If we can all improve our communication skills we will achieve so much more. Leadership is all about putting others first, acting with compassion and being honest. I’m so excited about this programme – it will inspire and reignite belief throughout our organisation”

Linda Brewer

Former Head of Communications

Let’s get started

When you’re ready to make work, work. So are we. Give us a call or stay in touch.