

of employees say gamification makes them more productive at work

Does the tactic matter?

When Four Seasons wanted to get their 150-strong leadership team excited about a new strategic direction we needed to help them do more than just talk – we needed to spark conversation. Our mission? To inspire, connect and make strategy feel like an adventure.

Introducing the Four Seasons Gameboard

We designed a custom game that brought their 8 key strategy areas to life. Each ‘stop’ on the board featured conversation starters, stats and facts to get leaders talking. As they played in small groups, visuals on screens helped immerse them in the strategy. The best part? They took the gameboards home to keep the conversations going with their teams.

Immersive Rooms: A sensory experience

Forget the usual conference setup. We created four immersive rooms to bring Four Seasons’ strategy to life through the senses:

Yacht: Leaders donned sailor hats and sent their ideas for new excursions via message-in-a-bottle..straight into the hotel pool!

Brand: They wrote “love notes” to their teams, celebrating Four Seasons’ brand promise “Luxury is our love language.”

Resorts: Light and sound transported leaders to the rainforest, with sneak peaks at new resort openings.

Food & Beverage: A VR cooking class let leaders try their hand at gourmet cooking… and they even got to taste the real thing!

The Results

  • Leaders were fully engaged and excited about the Four Seasons future
  • Gameboards sparked conversations at all levels of the business
  • A unique chance to connect, share ideas and build stronger global relationships

In short, Four Seasons isn’t just moving forward – they’re playing the game of success with style!

computer showing a man pouring drinks for a conference for Four Seasons
an image of the four seasons gameboard
an image of the four seasons gameboard
an image of the four seasons gameboard
an image of the four seasons gameboard

“You’ve got something really unique. That mix of strategy and your creative work. I’ve never found it anywhere else. We love working with you guys.”

Images of the creative work done for Four seasons
the gameboard instruction booklet for Four Seasons

Let’s get started

When you’re ready to make work, work. So are we. Give us a call or stay in touch.