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Creating a new dimension with Aggreko

Everyday heroes

With employees in around 200 locations, Aggreko is the global leader in power and temperature control rental. They work around the clock to bring power, heating and cooling to communities that need it. Whether it’s powering up an amazing music festival in the middle of a field or bringing emergency power to a devastated region after a natural disaster, working everywhere from the world’s busiest cities to the most remote locations on earth.

We’ve partnered with Aggreko for a while now, helping to embed their #AlwaysOrange approach into every aspect of their employee experience to help their big boxes make a massive difference. So they didn’t have to ask us twice when they wanted help to communicate their evolved strategy.

Think global, act Aggreko

Aggreko’s strategy focuses on four main global trends: decarbonisation, decentralisation, digitisation and demographic change – which they’d already named the 4Ds. Their evolved strategy aimed to pull everything together to create a blueprint for action. It was a complex, detailed story and our role was to help our clients distill their thinking into something simple, clear and inspiring. It was important to empower employees to make links between the strategy, the immediate priorities and the actions they take every day, understanding how the choices they make contribute to Aggreko’s success.

We know Aggreko’s culture inside out and so wanted to focus on their brilliant leadership group for the launch, which is about 60 people, as they were the key to unlocking energy, enthusiasm and potential, and also able to make that all-important link to each person’s daily work. But we also know that they are a busy group of people, with many competing priorities. We had to cut through and we had to be slick.

Clarity and

We worked with our clients to produce a clear narrative and messages – one story, which would feed through the launch and into all ongoing communications. We then developed a simple visual model showing the trends and priorities in a logical, compelling way and brought it all to life through a responsive website. The leaders were all coached before the launch, they were able to put themselves in the shoes of their people and ask the questions they expected to receive.

On the site, employees could interact with the visual model to pull out info and videos to bring the story to life, with lots of real-life examples to help them break those big ideas into meaningful actions. Finally, a quiz cemented choices and learning, and depending on results, the person was told in a light-hearted way if they were 1D, 2D, 3D or had achieved the ultimate 4D!

Aggreko’s people are rarely to be found behind a desk, so everything was optimised for mobile. A single sign-on functionality kept things secure as well as creating a smooth, positive user experience. The site has been translated into six languages and since it launched in April we’ve already added new ‘deep-dive’ areas where employees can really explore the nitty-gritty.

“I love working with Home, they really get us and understand the journey we are on in Aggreko and what will work for us, but they also push us to think differently, which I like. Their creative is always well thought through and high quality. I see our relationship as a real partnership and I feel they are invested in our success and want our employees to feel as engaged and informed and motivated, as much as I do.”

Emma Flack, Director of Communications

We’ve seen some great results

This shows the evolved strategy is clearly building on Aggreko’s strong, existing culture. Employees have found the site easy to use as well as informative. They appreciate being able to explore the 4D themes in their own time, developing their knowledge of the strategy as they go.

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