Short answer. Yes. And we’ve got five top tips to help. Whether you like it or not, 2024 is a big year for elections. Over 64 countries will head to the polls – 49% of the global population can vote on a new leader. It’s likely your workforce will…


My daughter was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes in November 2020. She was 9 years old. She’d lost a lot of weight, was drinking a huge volume of water, complained of a tummy ache, was very tired, lacked her usual energy and just before her diagnosis she started to…


Without knowing how long many of us will be working remotely, we’re starting to seek out what the new normal should look like.


Everyone hopes to have a healthy portion of fun at work, alongside the inevitable grind. Some even hope to have an impact, and most of us strive to find purpose and meaning. Here at Home we like to practice what we preach and do more than most to keep…


Companies that do good in the world tend to perform well too – but why is this? Home’s Liz Clover shares a fascinating book that attempts to explain why. The Human Brand I’ve just finished reading a book that explores why companies that do good in the world are…


The science of happiness – Positive Psychology A few of our clients have started talking to us about how they can create more purpose and meaning for their people at work. I love thinking and talking about this as I’ve always been fascinated by what makes people tick. Earlier…