Coming to work enhances my day I am releasing this blog with some trepidation. I’m conscious that it reads like a rather crude piece of PR about life at Home, an over-the-top ‘we live and breathe what we do’ style account. But this is genuinely my reality. I love…


Bristol is a city steeped in history. More than just the ‘Mild, Mild West’, it’s spawned tarmac, Wallace and Gromit, Concorde, Banksy, hot air balloons, the SS Great Britain, Massive Attack – and of course, Home. This little corner of the UK has always suited us well. It’s progressive,…


Yes, we think it is. Employee engagement – and more specifically – engagement of remote workers has consistently been cited as one of the top challenges organisations have faced for a number of years (State of the Sector, 2019). And of course, knowing how to engage and motivate a…


The field of employee experience is taking off. I’ve never had more conversations with CEOs and board members as I have over the past 12 months. Organisations are realising they need to do things differently and are trying to figure out how – positive psychology, co-creation, giving people a…


Last week I helped one of our wonderful clients create a presentation for a webinar she was giving on the subject of retention. She’d written some dynamic words that encapsulated her beliefs. We had a healthy conversation around some of her ideas and theories and we enjoyed one another’s…


On 1st December 2018 I’ll celebrate a whopping 37 years in business. Where did the time go?


Companies that do good in the world tend to perform well too – but why is this? Home’s Liz Clover shares a fascinating book that attempts to explain why. The Human Brand I’ve just finished reading a book that explores why companies that do good in the world are…


The science of happiness – Positive Psychology A few of our clients have started talking to us about how they can create more purpose and meaning for their people at work. I love thinking and talking about this as I’ve always been fascinated by what makes people tick. Earlier…


WANTED:  Employer with great reputation, culture and benefits. ABOUT ME: GSOH, autonomous and love to make a difference. Would like to hear from well-located employers with plenty of opportunities…   Is this a wish list for millennials, or simply what everyone wants from their employer? And are millennials really…