Everyone hopes to have a healthy portion of fun at work, alongside the inevitable grind. Some even hope to have an impact, and most of us strive to find purpose and meaning. Here at Home we like to practice what we preach and do more than most to keep…


It’s not often that culture gets so hands on… Northwell Health is a non-profit, 66,000 employee strong, health care system based in New York. Northwell isn’t a normal 9-5. You have to be truly made for health care to deliver an exceptional patient and customer experience. That’s why, this…


Companies that do good in the world tend to perform well too – but why is this? Home’s Liz Clover shares a fascinating book that attempts to explain why. The Human Brand I’ve just finished reading a book that explores why companies that do good in the world are…


Visual Thinking Post 2

We believe Visual Thinking is an amazing tool to help businesses communicate complex stories. A few of our clients asked how the process actually works – so I thought I’d share some secrets… In my last post I talked about the power of images in business communication. Not a…


Visual Thinking

Visual Thinking is definitely one of Home’s signature bakes. But why is it so important to us? We believe images have a unique power. They make an impact: they stir emotion, convey information and spark reactions – and actions. As humans, images are part of our shared experience –…