Everyone hopes to have a healthy portion of fun at work, alongside the inevitable grind. Some even hope to have an impact, and most of us strive to find purpose and meaning. Here at Home we like to practice what we preach and do more than most to keep…


A wise man once said “One is never afraid of the unknown; one is afraid of the known coming to an end.” We’re coming closer and closer to agreeing a deal, but what exactly that deal looks like we’re unlikely to know until it’s crunch time. The big question…


I grew up in the 80s. It was a pretty special time… I’m sure every girl had a poster of that topless man holding a baby, cried when they thought E.T. had died and owned at least one highly flammable neon shell suit. I’d play in the street until…


On 1st December 2018 I’ll celebrate a whopping 37 years in business. Where did the time go?


It’s not often that culture gets so hands on… Northwell Health is a non-profit, 66,000 employee strong, health care system based in New York. Northwell isn’t a normal 9-5. You have to be truly made for health care to deliver an exceptional patient and customer experience. That’s why, this…


Companies that do good in the world tend to perform well too – but why is this? Home’s Liz Clover shares a fascinating book that attempts to explain why. The Human Brand I’ve just finished reading a book that explores why companies that do good in the world are…


The science of happiness – Positive Psychology A few of our clients have started talking to us about how they can create more purpose and meaning for their people at work. I love thinking and talking about this as I’ve always been fascinated by what makes people tick. Earlier…


Nope, not a typo. Werkhouse Weekend is a two-day workshop for students, graduates and junior designers, put together by a group of local industry professionals, and held at our friends Taxi Studio, right here in Bristol.   It’s designed to bridge the gap between design graduates’ expectations of the…


WANTED:  Employer with great reputation, culture and benefits. ABOUT ME: GSOH, autonomous and love to make a difference. Would like to hear from well-located employers with plenty of opportunities…   Is this a wish list for millennials, or simply what everyone wants from their employer? And are millennials really…